Midyear Program Meal Reminders!

Now that we're almost halfway through the school year, it's a good time to check in with your school's meal program. We've listed some of the key items to stay on top of below. As always, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or need any guidance completing these!
Wellness Policy - make sure you have your 2019 updated version completed and posted to your school website. Be sure to include the 2 sentence blurb on your website inviting stakeholders!
Wellness Committee Meeting - if you have not already done so, go ahead and plan for a Wellness Committee Meeting. You are required to have at least 1 per year to assess the policy, but we recommend two per year. An annual assessment is required and a more robust assessment needs to be completed every 3 years. This meeting should try to include stakeholders of the school/organization (students, parents, staff, and food vendor) to review the policy and menu items.
Procurement Procedures and Code of Conduct - Make sure you have the most updated versions on file and that they are completed. Code of Conduct needs to be signed by employee(s) involved in bid process and ordering food.
Meal Charge Policy - make sure you have revised your meal charge policy per Newsom's regulation changes (updated policy is N/A for CEP and Prov. 2 schools).
Negative Student Balances - run your negative balance report in your POS and send out reminders to parents for outstanding balances (N/A for CEP and Prov. 2 schools). Just a reminder, any negative balances remaining on student accounts at the end of the school year must be covered by the General Fund.
Testing - if you plan to serve supper or afterschool snack or any meals outside of what you normally do during testing in the Spring and are interested in claiming it, be sure to apply for reimbursement with the state in advance if you are eligible and coordinate with your vendor.
New Campuses/School Sites/Relocating sites - If you are planning on adding any school sites or moving addresses for next school year 20-21, there additional steps you need to take to get the site approved by the state. Be sure to stay on top of this!
Vendor feedback - Check in with your staff and students to see how it's going with current food vendor!